Praise to Allah SWT, the week I started my duty call was an examination week. Thus, the proxy timetable given to me was actually a perfect preamble of the school’s daily routine. Soon after the examination week, officially my duties commenced as I am liable towards my own time table. I am in-charge of 3 subjects namely Bahasa Melayu, Moral Education and Physical Education.
Little that I know, I was also appointed as a ‘Pemulihan’ teacher. In essence, the weakest students in the school were congregated and I was given the task to re-enlighten them to be at the basic level of understanding BM and communicate with this national language. Day by day, I learn to be more human oriented. I am not lecturing in class, the knowledge is not just about hearsay or another factual notes but I am more emotionally attached towards the kids.

Yes, I label them as kids.. young hearts which still need to be nurtured indeed. I easily got upset when I see them not participating in class or doesn’t show any interest towards the subject I am trying to deliver. I find it extremely difficult to spread my astuteness of moral values which I’ve gained though out my living years. I did fell into morose state that the kids rejected me as I am new but that was never an excuse for me to simply relinquish.
I strive with my bare hands but with a heart full of buoyancy and that was just enough to keep me moving with a little help from courage. It touched my heart to see the kids (especially the weak ones) struggling to understand my every single word. I whispered the sounds of each spelling so that they could differentiate the pronunciation of each verb. I hold their hands and put my mouth close to their ears so that they would listen and remember.
One of my Chinese student came to me and say “Cikgu, tak mau pi lain tempat, tolong ajar kami lagi”.

Subhannallah, how could I ever forget those naïve faces? Every morning when they see me walking around the school they would call me from a distance .."Cikgu!" and when I looked at them, they would all started waving to me happily.
Every time I leave the class the Malay girls would be running to me and kiss my hands, asking for forgiveness and the Indian and Chinese students would be eagerly waving their hands showing goodbye, still with cheerful faces.
Whenever I’m disturbed with obnoxious behavior of the naughty bunch, I would coax my own heart by reminding myself of my solid intention; which is to foster the kids to be a better person with pride, passion and truthful ambition.
I am never ashamed to divulge that I am devoted to this new profession of mine..being a teacher. I might not be sitting in an air-cond room and hold executive title like others at my age but Alhamdulillah, I am truly pleased with my destiny. Wallahhu‘aklam. had a greatest moment dear..:)
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah. Just a tiny one compared to those who went to Gaza.
ReplyDeleteI still do believe each and every soul who touches our heart deserves to be appreciated equally. InsyaAllah the feeling would be overwhelming (=